In fact, in our studio, there are a number of banned colours : at the top of the list is what Bannenberg Snr used to call Barclays Bank blue. I owe it as a matter of honour to him to continue this tonal fatwa. Mr Rowell also has a difficult relationship with members of the coral family and only consented to allow this shade on a couple of scatter cushions under some duress from a Client.
This made me think about the protracted, and often brutal, battles for the colour spectrum waged by various brokerage houses in recent years.Some years back Edmiston carried out a premptive strike for the colour red. Escalation soon followed when YCO annexed yellow and Burgess marched into turquoise which offered little resistance. Yacht Zoo grabbed black, C&N adopted a strategy of divide and rule by controlling two shades of blue. Ocean Independence mounted a long and demanding expedition to the furthest reaches of the colour spectrum and returned with shades new to the human eye.