As a child I used to visit London from Dorset most weeks during the summer holidays as my mother used to work occasioanlly at a Royal College in Belgrave Square. My roaming zone encompassed the smart streets of Belgravia, Chelsea and Hyde Park. It was only some time later that I realised that this was not an entirely balanced London experience; indeed I remain disppointed that I didn't grow up to live in a stucco columned ambassadorial mansion (my wife joins me in this disappointment, on both the growing up bit and the mansion).
Anyway, apart from developing an unhealthy fascination with the London Underground (architecture and graphics that is, before your imagination runs wild), I used to regularly press my nose up against the windows of the nearby 'Top People's Store' Harrods (they didn't take too well to my roaming inside). At the time you could apparently buy anything from Harrods. If they didn't have it then they would get it for you. Elephants, giraffes, whatever. Well now you can add to that list perhaps the most expensive item a Top Person might need. Courtesy of Watkins Superyachts, who have inhabited a run of windows on Brompton Road this week, you can now order a yacht, preferably a Bannenberg & Rowell designed yacht called Scorpio, currently under construction at CMN in France.
We're proud to have pressed the nose of Scorpio up against the inside of one of those windows.
Thank you Watkins, thank you Harrods.
Thank you Watkins, thank you Harrods.